
Grandparents and living in the YOLO movement

August 13, 2013


A few months ago I had the pleasure of meeting my two loves, my two amores, my two amigos, my two best friends, my two mamina and papito! My grandparents, at Disney World. My husband and I were visiting Florida on our yearly Disney one week extravaganza and my grandparents were going to be able to spend the day with us.

Needless to say the experiece was awesome spending the day with my grandparents and watching them as the Disney magic unfolded before their eyes. They have lived in Florida for 30 years (+) and my grandmother had visited before once, but grandpa always made an excuse to not go…

So when they both said they were coming we were really excited. Grandpa laughed, danced, became a mirachi in mexico, a courageous viking, was a rice picker in China and ended the day being Mickey on Main street with grandma.



Life is definitely about making memories! So don’t ever worry who’s starring, who’s watching just be yourself and let yourself be in the moment. That day will forever be engrained in my mind and I’m so incredibly grateful for the beautiful memories and photo’s I now I have to cherish for many years to come.

So end of story.. YOLO!


YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE! And as much as I hate the saying because I feel it’s kinda dumb to break that phrase down.. It’s true, You ONLY LIVE ONCE.. SO LIVE IT UP, SHARE AS MUCH time with family, and be yourself! Who care’s if your a bit “goofy” sometimes.. Those are what great memories and stories are made of.