
Laurel- Female Portraits Wrightsville Beach, NC

September 27, 2021

Female Portraits at Wrightsville Beach, NC

You ever feel like the world around you is no longer yours? Ever feel like you do more for everyone and put yourself second? Do you happen to be a mom? Well.. this gal is. She is a hardworking mother of two, a wife, a friend..She is extremely talented, and very funny and outgoing. Her life consist of taking care of her family and working a full time job. Although both these two things bring lots of accomplishment and worth, she sometimes forgets about her own personal self-care. My goal for my sessions are always to show my clients how special they are and how much they matter. Not only is she a mom, but her goals and her dreams also count. And sometimes we neglect ourselves, for the ones we care about. And, after all we can’t be our best selves if we don’t follow some self care routines.

Remember that whole put the oxygen mask on yourself first and then others when you are on a plane? Yes..this goes for every obstacle and instance in our lives as well. Here are a few of my favorite images I had with Laurel in celebration of her, her life, and her 42nd birthday! Thank goodness Wrightsville Beach was empty that am, as we had the whole beach to ourselves. (and this definitely helps..when taking photos for anyone:) )

The morning was beautiful, after the fisherman cleared out we had the beach pretty much to ourselves. And just a tip this usually happens up until 8:30am. We wanted to create portraits that would be make her feel happy when she looked them and also photos that she can share one day with her daughter. (at least some 🙂 ) And some that were just for her. We kept the session light and bright and fun! We giggled, shared stories, pretended to sing and dance, and then we were able to create some of my most prettiest female portraits and portraits that I am so proud of. Laurel is a beautiful woman in and out and I can’t say we didn’t have a location that just highlighted all her beauty.

Wrightsville beach photo sessions usually guarantee an awesome day.  If you want to spruce up your portrait collection, gift your wife a special session, or just want a fun day with me, definitely inquire about getting yourself your very own portrait session. Whether it’s this exact location, or if you want a garden session at Airlie Gardens, or another beach in the Wilmington, NC area, I promise it will be just as pretty, just as fun, and just as perfect as you are.

wrightsville beach woman portrait

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